Astrology of May 24 2022 Birth, Fertility, Children & Haumea - Astrology Stories by SusanInspired

2 years ago

0:00 Yod to Haumea Fertility Birth & Children Meaning
8:25 Vesta & the Sacred Home, Mars Moon Emotions, Saturn & Structures for the Future, Pluto’s Challenges, Mercury retrograde, Jupiter New Efforts, Uranus Shifts & Changes
19:05 Yod to Babylon meaning with Leviathan, Juno, Pallas Athena
22:38 The Vision of the Crow - Help for the Future
27:49 Sacred Geometry of the Pyramid and its Power Sources

Astrology Story Video Links -

Lunar Eclipse - Saturn Holds Back the Old Influences on Humanity so We Can Live Again

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First videos with story of Sedna
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Nov 2021 eclipse -

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