Go Make the Sex with Yourself, R&R Hall of Fame! | Guest: Hilary Kennedy | 5/5/22

2 years ago

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris speak out against the GOP after hearing that the Supreme Court will likely overturn Roe v. Wade. Biden calls out the MAGA crowd as being the most extremist group in our history. A 1980s ABC segment showed that Jane Roe might not have been raped after all. A chart shows all the reasons that women have chosen to get abortions. Vladimir Putin looks like his health may be in question. Biden has another ungraceful moment when he yells “Don’t jump!” during a Paralympian ceremony. New surveys show that the Russian people support Putin's war efforts in Ukraine. More bands are inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame … still no Foreigner. Hilary Kennedy joins the show to talk about MMA. An MMA fighter is running for mayor in Hawaii. The Lumbee tribe has an official website now to sell merchandise. Orange juice in cereal? China is experiencing a supply chain problem.

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