2 years ago

in a war room vid Doug has a good point about 50,000 democrats to be sure and certainly didn't hurt the cause and is as dumb as a bag of nails to allow it but when switched off, it was at rat burger 598, 561 and jody 383, 851 with a difference of 214, 710 over four times that amount :/
the total votes were 1,146,792 so still 1.1 million with those taken off :/
As of May 21, nearly 800,000 were cast, according to GOP Secretary of State Brad Ratspit, turd burgler :/

Political insider explains voter fraud with mail-in ballots
Aug 29, 2020 · Updated. August 31, 2020 8:41am. AP. A top Democratic operative says voter fraud, especially with mail-in ballots, is no myth. And he knows this … :/

the percentage of mail in of 800, 000 of 1.14 million is 69.7598169502%
if you read the comment of my vid clip

you will see that I gave an assessment of adjudication fraud 70% minimum. I am a big enough man to admit when I am 0.24% wrong. I apologise.

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