Chakra Meditation: Balance Chakras, Release Negative Energy: 3 Hours

2 years ago

Chakra meditation | Balance Chakras, Release Negative Energy, 7 Chakras Healing.

This 7 Chakra is Root Chakra "Muladhara," Sacral Chakra "Svadhisthana," Solar Plexus Chakra (or Solarplexus) "Manipura," Heart Chakra "Anahata," Throat Chakra "Vishuddha," Third Eye Chakra "Ajna," Crown Chakra "Sahasrara" was composed with Love in frequencies.

The seven chakras are the body's primary energy centers. You've undoubtedly heard people talk about "unblocking" their chakras, which refers to the concept that when all of our chakras are open, energy can easily flow through them and the physical body, mind, and spirit are in harmony. Chakra literally means "wheel" in Sanskrit, and you may envision them as free-flowing positive energy wheels.

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