NY Man Complains to Manager About Something Said on Internet #CancelCulture #FreeSpeech

3 years ago

0:00 Intro
0:53 Dennis First Video (Clip)
4:20 Dennis Second Video (Clip)
11:07 Critique #1: Nuclear
11:48 Critique #2: "Troll"
13:45 Critique #3: Cancel Culture
14:51 Critique #4: Free Speech

Dennis (Channel Name: Driving Me Crazy) First Video: https://youtu.be/Rtr4BjCRRkg
Dennis (Channel Name: Driving Me Crazy) Second Video: https://youtu.be/eelNxH9GiBM

First, let me start by saying I have a lot of respect for Dennis. I’m a long-time fan of his channel. We’re both New Yorkers trying to make a little name for ourselves on YouTube. And I like how he gives his honest opinion on a variety of topics in a friendly next door neighbor type of way, and although he’s way more liberal than me, I appreciate his perspective as a middle-class family man. With that said, I think he f***** up on a recent video and after spending a fair amount of time writing a comment on it I thought it’d be a more productive use of my time to turn it into an video because by being a video I could educate more people on what I believe is a very important issue at stake here: free speech. Plus, are you even a YouTuber if you don’t get into a little YouTube beef now and then? So, anyway, this saga begins like most: a Facebook post: Where a gentleman then crudely commented: Now Dennis understandably got upset over Mikey’s comments, but rather than just dislike or disagree, Dennis contacted Mickey's employer to file a formal complaint! Here's how Dennis explained it... Unsurprisingly, Dennis’s video got a lot of pushback with the highest dislike-to-like ratio I’ve ever seen on his channel, but rather than retreat he doubled-down with a follow-up video where he proceeded to stand guard against the Nazis… I will not be the good man that does nothing either. He said let’s talk so let’s talk! First, he’s straw-manning! I, for one, don't think he must do nothing. He could have disliked, replied, private messaged, or made a video explaining why he thought Mickey was wrong, but rather than that Dennis dismissed Mikey as a “troll” and then escalated things to a very personal level. It’s as if, during the Korean War, which helped prevent communist domination of South Korea, President Truman decided to go through with nuking North Korea. Thank God he didn’t because he could have pulled the globe into a full-scale nuclear war. No matter how justified Dennis felt he was, by calling the man’s employer he just did the internet equivalent of going nuclear! And I don’t think Mikey was a “troll.” I think he was genuinely attempting to warn pregnant women not to trust the experts, albeit in a crude fashion. Ultimately, I think Dennis perhaps undervalues how much his snitching was driven by his political opinion. Had Mikey said, "Get a vaccine or your baby will die," then I think Dennis would have been much more forgiving of his tone because he would have been more on the side of the liberal scientific "experts" who such people as Dr. Fauci have already openly admitted to lying to the American people "for our own good." Maybe they are misrepresenting the evidence again for our own good? Maybe. In which case, if it's found out that there were ANY SIGNS THAT THE FAST-TRACKED VACCINE DID CAUSE SOME BIRTH DEFECTS OR MISCARRIAGES, which is why pregnant women have traditionally been exempt from medical trials, then I think Dennis would owe that man a profound apology by trying to strip him of his ability to provide for his family during a global pandemic. Overall, I find liberals tend to be less aware of their own bias because they are the mainstream. Everyone knows FoxNews is biased because the 99% of “news” and entertainment controlled by the left will happily point it out. Unlike Dennis, I believe all opinions are allowed at the table so that we can then decide which opinions are best by consensus and experimentation rather than silence and extermination! And as I mentioned in a comment on his first video, which he didn’t respond to: "I know you think you are punishing him for what he said, but you’re really punishing him for being open about his identity. Your actions here will not change his thoughts, but in fact, by trying to silence him you'll radicalize him more so as he'd go deeper underground.” Dennis also dismisses cancel culture as, “a made-up label that is used by people who are being held accountable for unacceptable opinions.” But it’s interesting to me how he calls it a made-up label. I wonder if he’s willing to say that about the 1000’s of terms the academic left makes up to justify confiscating billions of taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate our youth in their safe spaces, i.e. we’re told we need a degree in the liberal arts to truly understand the meaning of “gender fluidity,” “white privilege,” “systemic racism,” and “defund.”

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