2 years ago

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✅The purpose of the videos; To show that WAR is a terrible phenomenon.
📒A crucial day in the Russian invasion of Ukraine, with considerable territorial achievements for the Russians on the southern and eastern fronts. The city of Mykolaiv is once again close to siege / occupation, and the cities of Zaporizhia and Kribia (Ukrainian steel capital) are facing siege / occupation.
The Russians use weapons that the Ukrainians and the West (including the United States) have no answer for: Kinziel hyper-sonic missiles ("dagger", Kh-47M2. Ten times faster than sound speed), and thermobaric rockets (see previous post), with fire effect Huge.The thermovary weapon can be seen in a morning propaganda video of the Donetsk army, TF Russia, using it. This means that the big cities will burn when the onslaught on them begins.
Russia uses its tools as a power, the Ukrainian army is having a hard time, and Putin's ten achievements, some of them strategic - in our new opening article.
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