The Ascension of Our Lord

2 years ago

Ascension is always celebrated 40 days after Easter, as that is how long Jesus was with His disciples after His resurrection. Christians in former times celebrated the Ascension with great gusto, taking part in celebrations and services in the open air, on a hill, or in the countryside. In this feast we celebrate the first time that flesh and blood sits at the right hand of God. The Jesus who left heaven in humility returns to heaven in great glory. The Ascension does not mean that the Lord has left us, but that the way in which we experience Him has changed. While we no longer SEE Him, He is STILL WITH US IN HIS BODILY PRESENCE, even as His Word is preached and as the Sacraments are administered (Matthew 18:20, 28:20). Though it always falls on a Thursday, and is sometimes overlooked because of it, next to Easter and Christmas, the Ascension of Our Lord is the third highest festival of the church year. Come join us as we celebrate Jesus’ ascent to God’s right hand that He might rule all things for the sake of His Church until all enemies are put under His feet!

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