Russian Soldiers Were Awarded The Highest Honorary Title Of Russia – Hero Of The Russian Federation

2 years ago

Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Litvinov and major Viktor Dudin were awarded the highest honorary title of Russia – Hero of the Russian Federation for their deeds during the special military operation in Ukraine.

For what feats the pilots were awarded the title of Hero of Russia:

“Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Litvinov, in the course of carrying out a combat mission, flew out as part of a pair of Su-25 attack aircraft to destroy a company fortified post of the nationalists.

After the Russian pilots hit the enemy fortified post, the trailed aircraft came under fire of an enemy MANPADS missile, as a result of which the left engine failed and control was lost.

✔️ Lieutenant Colonel Litvinov changed lanes behind the damaged aircraft and, having visually assessed its damage, helped the second pilot partially regain control.

At that moment, a second missile was fired at the damaged aircraft.Realizing that the plane would not withstand another hit, Litvinov decided to cover it with his plane.

He went into his tail and fired off infrared traps that took the fired missile away from the aircraft.

By his actions, Lieutenant Colonel Litvinov saved the life of his comrade-in-arms, while maintaining aviation equipment.

“Major Viktor Dudin made his first flight on the morning of February 24th.

During combat patrols to cover the advancing group of troops, he discovered a Su-27 fighter of the Ukrainian armed forces.

Skillfully performing an aerial maneuver, Viktor Dudin destroyed the enemy aircraft at the first attempt in a duel battle.

✔️ Two days later, Major Dudin was tasked with hitting the Buk-M1 mobile anti-aircraft missile systems of the Ukrainian armed forces.

Dudin, at an extremely low altitude, entered the target area.

After the Ukrainian air Buk-M1 defense system was turned on, he instantly hit it with a missile, immediately leaving the engagement zone of other air defense systems.

✔️ On February 28, Major Dudin, as part of a pair of fighters, flew to intercept two Ukrainian Su-27 aircraft that were approaching to deliver an air strike.

At an altitude of 10 thousand meters, skillfully performing a maneuver and taking an advantageous position, Viktor Dudin, demonstrating the highest skill, hit the enemy with the first rocket.

Then a pair of Russian fighters, finding the second enemy aircraft leaving the area, destroyed it with crossfire.

✔️ On March 1, while carrying out combat air patrolling after the detection of a Ukrainian Su-27 fighter, using the surprise effect, he destroyed an air target with the first missile launch".

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