Combine 2 Videoclips in DaVinci Resolve with and without Fusion (PIP/Mask)

3 years ago

In this Video we will have 2 Videoclips (these are rendered with Blender) .
They are the same Scene from 2 different Camera Perspectives.
In DaVinci Resolve I want to combine them in 2 different ways to a Single Clip. First we will do a PIP (Picture in Picture) using Fusion-Masking.
Then we will also go the simple way and use the builtin PIP-Feature.

Also we will see how to overcome this "Render Job 1 failed as the current Clip could not be processed"-Error. That occurs if there are dead frames inside the Clip-Definition.

The Programm DaVinciResolve Studio 17 is available here:

The Buttonbar on the right side was made using the Smart-Package Robot:
and will be enhanced while i get more into the programm.

The Blender-Video Explosions were made using the Quickbuttons AddOn.

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