GURPS Game Aid v0.8.18-19

3 years ago

Users Guide:
Join the Discord server for updates:

- Translated status effects to German
- Added all RAW armor divisors to ADD (0.1, 0.2., 0.5, 2, 3, 5, 10, 100, Ignores DR)
- Fixed 'Ignores DR' to be affected by Hardened DR
- Updated Hardened DR to include 6 levels (allows 'Ignores DR' to be modified down to 'no Armor Divisor')
- Fixed GM Send Blind rolls
- Fixed non-hover Modifier Bucket tooltip constantly re-opening
- Fixed '+0 <dmgtype>' showing up as a modifier for damage rolls
- Support (-1) armor divisor (as "Ignores DR")
- Support editing of skills/spells with '*Costs xFP'
- Fixed "*Max: 9" if not the last modifier
- Create and apply standard resource trackers across the world. Instructions:
- Converted 'mapped' to 'attribute' so [S:Trap|Vision-5] works
- Add blindroll to CR
- Implemented selectable armor divisor in the apply damage dialog
- Added /select ActorName (sets the LastActor)
- Added support for unlinked Actors, which display like "TokenName(ActorName)"
- Added /status clear (clears all status effects)
- Right Mouse Click for NON-GMs sends OtF formula to chat input
- Fixed i18n issues with ranged
- Fixed missing hitlocation modifiers
- Add Quick Note under Encumbrance
- 'Grand' unification of attribute/skill parsing [Parry|Block:Shield|S:Skill|Fright Check|Dodge -2 slow|DX-4 ? "Ouch", "Close!"]
- Skill checks can now cost FP (append '\*Costs 1FP')
- Fixed bug with clearing a resource tracker.
- Added custom thresholds and condition names for resource trackers. For a description and instructions, see this link:
- Fixed Shotgun RoF (3x9)
- Added system setting to make player chat commands private (GM's chat commands are already private)
- Fixed Skill names that included '(' and ')'

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