Sri Dharmavira Das Prabhu guided me how to do chanting

2 years ago

I'm into this Krishna Consciousness for more than 15 years. I was into Government service. For a long time I was chanting 16 rounds of japa. For 1 hour and 45 minutes. But inside my heart, I had a strong feeling that I should improve japa by doing more sincere, more serious chanting. Meanwhile I got introduced to Srila ...........After some time, I met Ravindarat Prabhu, who was already into this Harinama group, 1 lakh chanting. He suggested I should chant a crore. I was reluctant, will I be able to spare so much of time, 7-8 hours of chanting. But because of my strong feeling that I should improve my chanting, I joint! After joining, Sri Dharmavira Das Prabhu guided me how to do chanting. He suggested I should rounds chanting a loud. So I started doing japa. And now I'm able to finish off in 4 hours. Almost 48 rounds of japa by 7 o'clock. Rest of the japa I do during the day time. And I feel I'm improving. I'm very thankful to Dharmavira Das Prabhu who is very merciful. He is very keen to liberate. We all, patita souls from the clutches of the maya of this material world. Thank you Prabhuji, I will still improve under your guidance. Thank you all the members in the group. Hare Krishna!

64 Rounds

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