A little visit with Arthur the rescue horse, Henry is wanting to eat his food! He's a darling soul

3 years ago

Well, Arthur is holding his own through this flooding. He doesn't appear to have gained weight, but he hasn't lost weight either. He escaped from his paddock again and that is why I will not rug him until I know he can be secured. However, he hasn't needed rugging. He was only shivering one day, the other days it's been beautiful, mild weather with the rain and flooding. The only reason to rug such a thin horse is to stop him from shivering and losing more weight.

I've got him on a different pellet, he has copra, lucerne (alfafa) chaff and oil, in theory 5 times a day. He does disappear down the other end and in the rain, I call him but don't chase him, so he may get his feeds doubled. I've worked out a consistency that helps reduce what he drops and he has two massive bowls. Hoping he will put on weight.

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