The last hope for Ukraine is the deadly missile! The Russian army is on alert! RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR

2 years ago

The last hope for Ukraine is the deadly missile! The Russian army is on alert! RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said the Ukraine's most urgent need is multi-launch rocket systems (MLRS) to counter Russia's dominance in heavy weapons.
The military situation in the eastern regions is "as horrible as people say - worse than people say," Kuleba said on Thursday, on Twitter, Q and a from Poland live.
He said the only answer that would work was "with heavier weapons." We can't repel them without them.
He described Washington's decision on this as "important".
Biden learned that the management is preparing to increase the kind of weapon it offers to Ukraine by sending advanced, long-range rocket systems as it becomes the biggest demand for Ukrainian authorities.
The administration is heading toward sending systems to Ukraine as part of a larger package of military and security assistance that can be announced next week.
In addition to the foreign minister, other senior Ukrainian officials, including President Volodymyr Zelensky, have begged the United States and its allies to provide MLRS in recent weeks. U.S. weapons systems can launch a hundreds of miles of rocket dam far away from all of the systems Ukraine already has, and Ukrainians say it can change the rules of the game in their fight against Russia.
Another system requested by Ukraine is the High-moving Artillery Rocket System, a lighter-wheel system known as the HIMARS, which can ignite most of the same munitions as the MLRS.

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