1 year ago

Uplift your soul by listening to these 2nd person prayer affirmations. Sending out positive energy has a profound effect on how we feel. When we bless others feelings of peace will preside.

Listen to Regularly for best results.
Download your mp3 copy here: https://www.thevibrationwithin.org/store/p54/17_Blessings_for_Upliftment.html

Affirmations List:

1. May you be courageous
2. May wisdom be in your mind
3. May you be healthy
4. May you be grounded in truth
5. May you be in love
6. May you be free
7. May you feel the abundance all around you
8. May you live in prosperity
9. May you live in gratitude
10. May you think with discernment
11. May God help to guide you
12. May you give your true gifts
13. May you have faith
14. May you smile often
15. May you feel playful and alive
16. May God’s light surround you
17. May peace be with you

#affirmations #positive #love

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