Biden Admin To Surrender Power During Health Events to WHO

2 years ago

The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking to expand its power over the United States.

This is really alarming. We’ve been watching this develop for over a month. Our sister organization ACLJ Action has already begun to get involved in fighting back, and it’s now made its way to the national news – at least on some conservative news sites.

The WHO is putting together a plan to expand its authority, and the Biden Administration appears to be on the threshold of ceding control of health protocols and procedures to this global organization. Under this policy, if the WHO identifies something as a health risk, it will have jurisdiction to declare a public health emergency in member states – including the United States – and pressure those states to follow WHO recommendations.

Think about that: Our sitting President wants to grant an outside international body the ability to tell you what to do under the guise of public health. We’re concerned about the broad definitions the WHO uses and what that could also entail. For instance, could this be a global rebirth of Biden’s Disinformation Board that we recently told you had been put on pause?

ACLJ Executive Director, and also President and CEO of ACLJ Action, Jordan Sekulow explained:

"The World Health Organization could provide resources to a country to surveil the country’s own people. This is all being done from the WHO, which the Trump Administration said no to. We don’t want to be a part of this. And the Biden Administration is back in. We wanted to get on it but we wanted to make sure we were accurate. So our team from ACLJ Action put the memo together for radio today, and that ACLJ Action team has a lot of experience inside the Executive branch of government so they can read between the lines, understanding the interplays here. Is it a treaty? How far does it go? But again the surveillance measures, and the ability to declare a crisis in another country, is so broad that the World Health Organization could declare a crisis over misinformation, or disinformation."

President Trump pulled the U.S. out of the WHO because of the rampant corruption, and the control of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which was calling the shots. The WHO won’t hold China to the same standards and procedures it does the rest of the world. Consider that for a moment, two years after COVID-19 crippled the world. Now imagine a WHO that can declare an emergency in America over our political system, or our voting system, in the name of public health. It’s written that broadly. The word “health” is way too vague. It means, should they choose, the WHO could start tracking people for a variety of reasons that it claims fall under health. It’s ridiculous. And yet President Biden put us right back into the WHO.

In our view, the Biden Administration is handing the WHO the authority to infringe upon our basic liberties in the name of public health. If the WHO determines something’s a violation of public health – whatever that thing may be – it can take action. This includes engaging in surveillance on domestic populations at the request of the country, or tracking international travelers with a digital vaccine passport. In fact, it’s receiving money from member states, including the U.S. which provides 1/5 of its budget, to do this. So we’re paying for them to take our freedoms, spy on us, impose mandates, and even potentially force us into another lockdown.

This cannot be permitted to happen. The ACLJ, our European affiliate, the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ), and our new sister organization ACLJ Action are all taking steps to combat these amendments from going through. No international body should have jurisdiction to strip Americans of our freedoms – especially not under such a vaguely worded policy.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast is complete with even further in-depth analysis of this WHO amendment and what steps are being taken to keep it from happening.

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