How to play Quack-a-doodle-moo

9 years ago

Learn the rules to the board game Quack-a-doodle-moo quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to play all the cards from your hand first. Based on the number of players, remove the animal card sets from the game. 8 removes none down to 3 players which removes 5 sets. Deal out the entire deck of animal cards so each player has an equal amount, any extras are removed from the game. Mix up the Barn cards face down and each player picks one. All players flip over their barn cards and 1 at a time make the sound on their card then flip it back down so it is hidden for the rest of the game. Players are allowed to look at their own barn card throughout the game.

(if you want to play the game with younger players you can elect to leave the barn cards face up or a mixture of face-up and facedown)

Holding your deck of animal cards facedown and turning over the cards outward way from you onto the table, players take turns flipping over 1 card at a time in clockwise order onto a single pile in front of them. As soon as a player flips over a card that matches another card in someone else’s pile, those two players must race to make the sound of the opposing player’s barn card animal.

The first player to make the correct sound wins the faceoff. The losing player adds all the cards from both player’s face up animal card stacks to the bottom of their hand. Play resumes with the player to the left of the last person who played an animal card.

The first player to play all their cards wins. If your last card results in a match, you must win that match to win the game.

To make the game harder, before beginning, pick an additional barn card that whose animal is being used in the game and place it faceup in the middle of the board. Whenever a match involving that animal is resolved, all players pass their barn cards to the left. Players are still allowed to look at their own card anytime they want.

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