How to play Clans

9 years ago

Learn the rules to the board game Clans quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.

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Set out the board. There are 12 regions on the board marked by bordering rivers. Randomly place 5 huts, 1 of each color, on each of the 5 territories within each region. Place a village chip on each space in the epic chart. Shuffle the hut tiles and give one to each player. Players look at their tile but keep its color hidden from their opponents. If you’re playing with less than 5 players, discard any extra tiles face down to the box. Place the 5 color scoring disks behind the starting line of the scoring track.

Randomly pick a player to go first. Play continues clockwise. On your turn you move one territory of huts into another territory containing huts. You may not move huts into an empty territory and all huts from a territory must move together, You may note move a territory with 7 or more huts.

When a territory is completely surrounded by empty territories and/or lakes, that territory, a village is founded. Whoever founded the village takes one village token. Whenever a village is found points are scored. First you check the Epics to see which land type is favorable and which is unfavorable. Whichever village token is taken, you match that to the epic you are in.

If the land type is unfavorable then the village is destroyed, all the huts in that village are removed from the game and no points are scored. If the land type is found favorable or neutral (that is, it is neither favorable or unfavorable), then points can be scored. If all 5 colors of huts are found in the village, all the single huts of a color are removed from play.

Each hut remaining in the village scores 1 point. If the land is on favorable terrain, then you add bonus points as indicated by the Epic. All colors who have huts in the founded village move up the same amount of points according to the value of the village.

Once the twelfth village token has been taken and points have been scored the game ends. The 5th epic considers all land types favorable, so the last village formed always receives 5 bonus points. In the rarer case that you haven’t reached the 12 village and there are no more legal moves, then the game ends.

Players reveal their colored huts and for each village token they have, they move their color up 1 point. The Player with the most points wins.

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