How to play Ultimate Uno

10 years ago

Learn the rules to the card game Ultimate Uno quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules. Ultimate Uno is a custom rule variation to the original Uno game.

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You place with a standard Uno deck the standard way, but the added rules are as follows: Whenever an 8 is played, reverse the direction of play.

Whenever a 7 is played, every player trades hands with the person next to them in the direction of play.

Whenever a 2 is played, the player who played it must trade hands with any other player of their choice.

Whenever you play a 0, the first person to talk before you play again has to draw a penalty card.

Players may compound cards being drawn by playing draw 2 cards back to back. For example: if the player before me plays a draw 2, I can play a draw 2 to make the next player draw 4. If he plays a draw 2 it would be draw 6 to the next person and so on until a player draws those cards.

Players may compound draw 4’s as well.

If you have an identical copy of a card just played, you may play out of turn. For example, if a green 6 is played and you have a green 6, you may play it even if it’s not your turn if you’re fast enough. If you do, play continues its direction from you.

The winner of each round makes a new rule for a specific card, but majority has to agree to it. For example, you could make a rule that applies to yellow 4s.

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