How to play Bug Out

10 years ago

Learn the rules to the board game Bug Out quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to be the first player to play all your cards. Mix up the round cards and space them out on the table so each one is visible. Shuffle the square cards and evenly deal the entire deck facedown to each player. If you’re playing with 5 players you’ll have one card left over, simply remove this card and its matching circle cards from the game.

Each player picks up their stack and when the dealer says go they are then allowed to turn it over and look at them. Players now are simultaneously racing to match the bug cards in their hand with the ones on the table. When you find an exact match, place your square card face down, leaf side up, on top of the matching bug. The first player to play all the cards in their hand yells out “Bug Out” and is the winner.

For a bigger bug out experience, spread out the circle cards on the floor, players then race around the room trying to find matches.

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