Traditional Thursday 5/26/22: Reinforcements

2 years ago

Raven's Mighty Tree o' Links:

Think of what you desire most right now. Now look at the people around you. Do they support you or not? Take a more playful approach and listen to the ones that want you to succeed. The ones that don't, they have ulterior motives.

#Tarot #Oracles #Runes #TraditionalThursday #BigDeckEnergy

Want A Private Reading For You Or Someone You Know? Simply visit my link tree up above, send me something from the DriveThruRPG or Amazon Wish List ($35 and under, don't break your bank) and you'll get two readings to be redeemed at any time and a birthday reading.

Raven on The Basic Expert Natural Ones Stream:

Raven on The Greyhorn Pagans Podcast:

Raven's on The Greyhorn Pagans Podcast (Video):

Winifred Hodge Rose's Site Where You Can Purchase The Book Heathen Soul Lore Foundations

Witcharoo's Runes of The Gods Oracle

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