2 years ago

Last Kennewick School District Board Meeting for the year. $58,666,912.00 was taken in ESSER funds VOLUNTARILY and they had to agree with "Continued Compliance" for the money taken. Including following every little mandate and unconstitutional "law" as they believe to keep the money. In the meantime, our children have in many cases been physically harmed, and psychologically damaged. Many still are afraid to take their masks off, because their teachers told them they can kill their grandparents and family if they don't. This is a lie and now they live in fear due to this lie. It's child abuse.

A fearful mom due to the recent shooting in Texas is now afraid for her life and her children’s life. She blames it on bullying and racism by white people.

This is what’s being pumped into the hearts and minds of the people by out government and mainstream media. Fear. Racism. And here comes Monkey Pox. Moderna has already started making vaccines for this.

They signed an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. They MUST reject any mandates that do not meet the standard of the "Law of the Land". Which means the people must agree to the mandate. If they don't, it is void. Canceled. Unenforceable.

End the the madness and protect our children before it’s too late. Rise up and make your voice heard!!! NO MORE MANDATES!!!

Please visit One New Earth's website for information on how you become part of a movement to save the world!

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