How to setup Pandemic

6 years ago

Learn how to setup Pandemic quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules. Check out this video for the gameplay rules:
Check out this video for details on the character roles:

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Setup: Layout the board and pieces, put the colored disease cubes in separate supply piles. Put a white research station in atlanta. Place the outbreak marker on the “0” space of the outbreaks track. Place the 4 cure markers, blank side up, underneath their corresponding colored cure indicator. Place the infection rate marker on left-most “2” space of the infection rate track.

Shuffle the green backed infection deck and place them on the board in the “infection deck” space. Flip over the top 3 cards of the infection deck into the “infection discard pile”, putting 3 disease cubes of the matching color on each city flipped. Flip over 3 more cards and put 2 disease cubes of the matching color on each city flipped. Then flip over 3 more cards and put 1 disease cube of the matching color on each city flipped.

Give each player a reference card. Shuffle the role cards and deal 1 face up to each player. Place the matching color pawn, as indicated by the role card, in Atlanta. Return the remaining role cards and pawns to the box.

Remove the Epidemic cards from the blue backed player deck and set them aside. Shuffle the player deck and deal cards to each player based on the number of players playing. Anywhere from 4 cards each in a 2 player game down to 2 cards each in a 4 player game. Players don’t need to keep their cards hidden from each other.

Choose a difficulty you would like to play to determine how many Epidemic cards will be used in the game. For Introductory use 4 Epidemics, Standard uses 5, and Heroic uses all 6. Divide the remaining player cards into facedown piles, as equal in size as possible, so that the number of piles equals the number of epidemic cards being used. Shuffle 1 epidemic card into each pile and then stack these facedown on the player deck space, putting the smaller piles on the bottom.

Players look at the city cards in their hands and the player with the highest city population goes first. A detailed setup guide can be referenced on pages 2 and 3 of your rulebook.

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