KCAA: Get Balanced with Dr. Marissa #707

2 years ago

KCAA: Get Balanced with Dr. Marissa #707 Steven Taibbi Shares his new Heart with Dr. Marissa on Wed, 25 May, 2022

Operated on right after birth, by the age of six he became the first person to live through two open hearts for ASD repair. Throughout his life, either his parents or he were told that he wouldn't live past 5; then 6; then 10. Steven was told he wouldn't make it out of his teens, which almost came true on his 17th birthday when he had a near fatal heart incident that included an out-of-body experience. Then when he was 34, he was told that he had beaten it and to go out and live! God had other plans, however, at 46, Steven was diagnosed with idiopathic cardiomyopathy; in other words, he had caught an unknown virus that was killing his heart. That was the reason for his first heart transplant, and he has since had a second one.

Steven felt compelled to write Grateful Guilt: Living in the Shadow of My Heart to help others because he feels it would benefit those who face serious health challenges, both patients and caregivers alike.

Steven Taibbi just met with the family of the recent donor. The donor, David Jason Jocobo, a healthy 36 year old man, suffered a brain aneurysm and collapsed in front of the family, dying just three days later. A multiple organ donor, he has now saved many lives, including that of Mr Taibbi.

The family, that did not originally respond to the thank you from Mr. Taibbi, would later contact him when they were ready. The donors mother expressed their desire to meet him in a note. Steven arrived with a stethoscope in hand, should they wish to listen to the heart of their son and father beating in Steven's chest. All of the women in the family (mother, sister, daughter, ex-wife and aunt) took turns listening, while the male members (father and sons) opted not to listen. They informed Steven that night, they consider him family now.

Statistically, only 3% of donor families answer any correspondence, let alone meet the recipient and it sometimes does not go well. However, in this case the donor's mother expressed her joy that her son's life helped not only save Steven's life, but several others as a multiple organ donor.

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