A husband finds out his wife is doing spicy content online behind his back

2 years ago

laugh out loud. Her logic is, if the garbage disposal does not work you need an entire new house. We know this is a skit that is trying to push a narrative onto us. But there are men out there, that are doing exactly what we just saw in this video. In honor of women's month. What about dudes month. Oh that's right, they only want equality when it benefits them.

There are many guilty parties in this video.

1. The simps enabling these 3 oh 4's. They keep paying and they keep doing it.
2. These 3 oh 4's are resorting to the oldest profession and online camera work.
3. the simps that are dating, in relationships, or married to these women. If they are with a woman who does this, they need to walk out the door immediately.
4. The people who support this. The blue capsuled man at the end of the video, is the type of man who fills these women's heads with ideas, that they are strong and independent, and can do anything a man can do, but better.
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