How to play Pass the Pigs

5 years ago

Learn the rules to the board game Pass the Pigs quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to be the first player to score 100 point. Setup. Give one player a pencil and the scorepad, or a piece of paper for keeping score. Choose a player to go first, then play proceeds clockwise. On your turn, roll both pigs simultaneously. Based on how the pigs land you collect points. You may then decide to stop and score those points or roll again. If you decide to stop and score the points, your turn ends and the player with the scorepad adds the points to your score, and the next player begins their turn.

If you decide to roll again, add the new points to your current running total. You may roll as many times as you like until roll a “pig out” or roll an “oinker” or decide to stop. At which point your turn ends and the next player goes.

The following positions and points for pigs are as follows:
Leaning Jowler. 15 points. A pig on its snout, leaning to the side supported by an ear with its tail in the air.

Double Leaning Jowler. 60 points. Both pigs are in the leaning jowler positions.

Razorback. 5 points. One pig lands on its back with its feet in the air.

Double razorback. 20 points. Both pigs lands on their back, with their feet in the air.

Trotter. 5 points. One pig lands on all four feet.

Double Trotter. 20 points. Both pigs land on all four feet.

Snouter. 10 points. A pig lands on its snout and two front feet.

Double Snouter. 40 points. Both pigs land as snouters.

Sider. 1 point. Both pigs land on the same side. Both are either lying dot side up, or unmarked side up.

Any mixed combo. Add the combined scores together. A single sider does not count for any points.

Pig out. Lose all your points for the round and end your turn. The pigs land on opposite sides. One lying dot side up while the other is unmarked side up.

Oinker. Lose all your points in the game. Both pigs touch in any position. Immediately lose all your points from the game and end your turn.

Piggy Back. You immediately lose and are eliminated from the game.

The first player to reach 100 points wins.

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