How to play Hungry Hungry Hippos

6 years ago

Learn the rules to the board game Hungry Hungry Hippos quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is for your hippo to eat the most marbles. Setup. Place the board on a flat surface and each player selects a hippo. Place 5 marbles in each marble release area near each player’s hippo.

For a beginner game, pick one player to go first. On your turn you press your marble release button to release 1 marble onto the board. All players continuously press down their levers and release them to try and get their hippo to eat the marble. Once the marble is eaten, the next player clockwise releases a marble. This process repeats until all the marbles in all the release areas are eaten. Each player counts up the marbles that their hippo ate and the player with the most wins.

For an advanced game: instead of taking turn releasing marbles, all the players simultaneously release all their marbles at once and fiercely fight to gobble up the most. The player who’s hippo ate the most marbles at the end, wins.

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