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Somebody’s Watching You

3 years ago

As Democrats continue to threaten America with a second massive spending bill – not a dime of it essential government spending – House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy wants to remind Americans this bill would give the IRS full access to your bank accounts! With today’s Americans for Limited Government Minute, I’m Catherine Mortensen.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy Leader’s Roundtable video: “They’re going to spy on you. They’re going to force the financial institutions, be in the fen Tech, the credit union, or other, to tell what you’re doing with this money. Why should government ever be looking? This is literally spying on American citizens. Our government is actually moving to spy on citizens. It is so dirty. Every single American will be affected by this. What they are trying to do is hire 87,000 new IRS agents. That’s larger than the population of Scranton, Pennsylvania, the President’s home town.”

Small businesses will also be targeted. Why? Money. Democrat’s need to reach into our bank accounts to pay for their wasteful spending.

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