Dr 'Bryan Ardis' "The Lies Of Dr. 'Anthony Fauci' & The 'NIH' 'Riccardo Bosi' Doctor 'Bryan Ardis'

2 years ago

Dr 'Bryan Ardis' The Lies Of Dr. 'Anthony Fauci' & The 'NIH' 'Riccardo Bosi' Doctor 'Bryan Ardis'

Dr Bryan Ardis who is an internationally recognised authority on the deception surrounding COVID. He has been interviewed by leading German lawyer and member of the German Corona Investigative Committee, Dr Reiner Füllmich amongst many others.

Dr Ardis discusses the demonstrable lies by Dr Anthony Fauci and his National Institute of Health, the truth about the medical profession and also describes in detail what we can all do to reverse our illnesses and return to optimal physical health.

A must watch interview.


Riccardo Bosi

Riccardo Bosi is a much sought-after speaker and consultant in leadership, strategy and innovation, and he works with private industry, the public sector as well as the military by drawing on his over 40 years of experience in all three. ... Google Books
Books: Greatness Awaits You: The Five Pillars of Real Leadership

"The Dr. Ardis Show" May 26 2022 - Dr. Bryan Ardis Reveals Some Shocking News 5/26/22

"The Dr. Ardis Show" Dr. 'Bryan Ardis' Testimony For The Grand Jury & It's Huge

From Reiner Fuellmich's Grand Jury proceedings, Day 3, this is the powerful testimony by Dr. Bryan Ardis. He methodically outlines what was known and acknowledged about Remdesivir by Fauci and others as they pushed it as the only treatment for Covid. His presentation is 33 minutes long with questions and answers following. Look for all of the individual testimonies on this channel.
Watch the first video in this series of Reiner Fuellmich's Grand Jury, Day 1 Opening Statement that explains what the Grand Jury proceedings are about. See my PDF with links to the Grand Jury website where there are links to the videos of each full day of the proceedings: https://goldengalaxies.net/Quasar/?page_id=259


Bryan Ardis Lays Down the Groundwork for Venom Theory”
Nonstop publications [from the media said] that the original source could either be from bats, snakes, or pangolins. And every time the snake is mentioned, fact checkers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 constantly fact check it and spin it to the bats. There's no fact checking about bats. They keep letting you look at bats... [A Chinese scientist] said, 'This can't be from these bats. These bats hibernate, and it's winter.' When they did genetic sequences from the antibodies [of] people who were sick in Wuhan, they found that their genetic sequence was not most like bats, [but] most like two snakes

Once injected with the "vaccines" there is much blood clotting, macro and micro, the body to become a venom like spike protein factory. The mrna and graphene oxide nano particles delivery system cause more permanent damage – dna alteration – possible mind control and so on. The immune system is helpless against the injected venom neurotoxins, graphene oxide nano particles and mrna. The immune system is breaking down after toxic synthetic venom shots. Symptoms of Covid and the vaccines are identical to venom poisoning (see the science on the covid and vaccine enzymes, peptides and and so on being homologous or identical to snake venom). The Italian study "Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and faecal samples from Covid-19 patients" is very strong evidence. The synthetic venomous spike protein is a neurotoxic bioweapon targeting all with underlying health issues and the genetically predisposed . See Dr Jane Ruby video (Stew Peters) on venomous "organoids" found in undiluted vaccines. Not a virus but rather a synthetic venom poison being spread specifically at various times in various locations with numerous different sickness effects (variants?) that mimic snake venom poisoning? How - by water - in the air - attached to a virus? But wait the Covid 19 "virus" has not been isolated only computer generated from the coronavirus? Synthetic venom can be transmitted by water and air. An ongoing night

Ricardo Bosi, Dr 'Bryan Ardis, Medical Lies, Dr. Anthony Fauci, The NIH, Riccardo Bosi, Doctors, Bryan Ardis Interview, DrArdisShow, The Dr Bryan Ardis Show, Vaccine Parasites, Parasites In Vaccines, COVID Jab Parasites, EGG LAYING VACCINES, VACCINES LAY EGGS, LAYING EGGS IN VACCINES, VACCINE EGGS, EGGS IN THE VACCINES, FOOTAGE EGGS HATCHING INSIDE VACCINES, WATCH THE WATER, WATCHTHEWATER,COVID ORIGINS DOCUMENTARY, Dr Brian Ardis, Snake Venom 19,COVID Snake Venom, The Dr Ardis Show, Remdesivir, Monkey Pox, Monkeypox, Dr Fauci, NIH,

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