Getting Your Center Back

2 years ago

How a man can regain his center, align with his true purpose in life and get back to being his most masculine and sexy self after a breakup, traumatic experience or challenging times, so he can meet and date the kind of women he’s always wanted.

In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who shares his success story of how he got his center back after a breakup. He found my work several months ago after things had gone sideways in his relationship. He describes the process of what he did, said, and focused on to regain his center even after his ex started reaching out to him again. He describes how he was finally able to let go of any attachment to getting his ex back. He also talks about two women who were in his life and were obviously interested, and were putting themselves into his orbit in hopes that he had mutual interest and would do something about it, but because he was still focused on getting his ex back, he could not see their interest. Now that he has finally let go of any attachment to getting his ex back, he’s been able to recognize their interest, and is now dating both of them. It’s a great email that describes the process that any man or woman must go through after a difficult time or breakup, so they can open themselves up to, and attract new lovers into their life and finally move on to create something new and better for them.

If you have not read my book, “How To Be A 3% Man” yet, that would be a good starting place for you. It is available in Kindle, iBook, Paperback, Hardcover or Audio Book format. If you don't have a Kindle device, you can download a free eReader app from Amazon so you can read my book on any laptop, desktop, smartphone or tablet device. Kindle $9.99, iBook $9.99, Paperback $29.99 or Hardcover 49.99. Audio Book is Free $0.00 with an Audible membership trial or buy it for $19.95. Here is the link to Audible to get the audiobook version:

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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne

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