Socialism & Depopulation | the Culling of the Livestock

2 years ago

The elite are the parasites up the top.

War used to be the preferred method of population control, but today they implement are more subtle way to cull livestock, via processed foods, and toxins, and other traps setup for the poor that the wealthy elite can avoid.

Because the energy harvesting medium rewards those who are higher producers, this ensures that the bottom rungs of society will be removed from the general body of livestock.

Those that say they have as much money as God, often feel they have the right to play the role as well.

The cull has been going on for decades, and is the slow-poisoning of the human species. Their poisons, pesticides, aerosol sprays, injected toxins, subsidized additives and more. The human-being is becoming sick and made infertile. Due to the increasing amounts of foreign & toxic substances that accumulate in our body. Poor health, increased reliance on medicine, and sterilization.

Millions of people are now catching onto the game.

Racism, Socialism, Nazism, Cancel Culture, Collectivism

Stage 1: Demoralization - unable to assess true information, facts mean nothing
Stage 2: Destablization - takes only 2-5 years to destabalize a nation
Stage 3: Crisis - takes up to 6 weeks
Stage 4: Normalization - indefinitely

Problem > Reaction > Solution
Used over & over again in the process of the takeover

Cripple the middle class economically so they no longer have power
Offer a dramatically increased dependency on the government as a relief from the economic hardship created by the government
Remove freedoms one by one
Setup a militarized police state to ensure the new normal will be long-lasting
Once citizens are dependant upon the new system with no means of fighting back, the governments & those really in power will start to remove the entitlements they promised you. After a few years of universal basic income, there will be an ever-widening gap between the classes. Those receiving the free money will no longer be the poor, they will eventually be re-classified as the useless-class and we all know what is done with something useless.

(Sorry, I don't know where this came from for the other parts)

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