How to play Rock Paper Scissors

5 years ago

Learn the rules to the game Rock Paper Scissors quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.

The object of this two-player game is to beat the symbol your opponent throws in a best of three. There are three symbols: Rock (a closed fist), Paper (a flat hand palm down), and Scissors (a fist with two fingers out). Symbols are always thrown on an open palm.

To throw a symbol, the 2 players face each other and hold one hand open, palm up and rest their other hand in a fist on top of it. One player asks if the other is ready, once they are that player says, “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.” Both players hit their fist into their palm when each word is said. When the final word is said, “shoot”, on that hit, both players simultaneously make one of the symbols with their moving hand and hold it open on the palm.

Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock. If there is a tie you re throw. If a player changes their symbol after both players have thrown, then they lose that throw. The first player to beat their opponent 2 times wins.

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