How to play Operation

4 years ago

Learn the rules to the board game Operation quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to collect the most money. Setup. Layout the board. Place the ailment pieces in the matching spaces on the board. Stretch the rubber band between the two pegs in the right leg. Place the tweezers within reach of all the players. Shuffle the ailment cards and place them face down in a deck with the money side facing up.

The youngest player goes first, then play proceeds clockwise. On the first turn, take the top card of the deck and flip it over. This is the ailment you need to try and remove with the tweezers from the board without touching the metal sides. If you touch the metal sides, you’ll get buzzed. (pause for sound effect) and Cavity Sam’s nose will light up. If this happens, you must stop and leave the ailment where it is and pass the ailment card to the next player. It is now their turn to try and remove that ailment. If they get buzzed, then they stop and pass the card to the next player, and so on. If no one is able to remove the ailment after everyone has had a turn, return the ailment card to the bottom of the deck and the next player draws a new card.

When you successfully remove an ailment without touching the sides and getting buzzed, you get to keep the card, money side up, and the ailment in front of you. Now pass the tweezers to the next player who draws an ailment card.

The game ends once all the ailments have been removed from the board. Players add up all the money they have and the player with the most money, wins! You can also play this game by yourself by seeing how many tries it takes you to remove all the ailments.

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