Crowder Goes FULL Fascist

2 years ago

Steven Crowder spews fascist Right-wing ideology to his viewers regarding colonized people such as Native Americans and why there should be no reparations. The Majority Report crew discusses how Crowder denies the genocide of Native Americans and how he promotes the idea that peace is not the natural order of the world.

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Let's play one more clip since we're on the parade of bigots we really do dominate in many respects youtube and online discourse and frankly, you know I guess on cable discourse at times too. Here's Steven crowder from his program louder with crowder I don't know maybe they just I imagine we there was a segment either earlier in the program or later in the program where he attacks gay people or transgender people. I may be wrong that could be just the episode that he did on Monday or Tuesday instead of the one that he did on Wednesday, but here he is finding just one more target of his ire one more sort of set of people who are not white heterosexual Canadian males… This is just a this is about as fascist as you can get right? I mean he's going full you're a conquered people of Nietzsche on us here with this. He is basically saying that if you are attacked and colonized then you lose and you should be wiped out I mean that's you're all Americans now he took issue with the fact that there was any Native Americans left alive so that perhaps they could have descendants. He's also just denying genocide there pretending like he's calling for it well yeah but also claiming that because like the remaining native populations also grew in numbers as did all of humanity during that time period in between our genocide and now that that negates the existence of the genocide.

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