2 years ago

10:19 Clip from a class called; HOW TO ENJOY THE BIBLE, 1970, Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille. *The Link for this free class audio and transcript, will be in the comments. From the transcript, "There cannot be a gathering together unto him until he comes. Now, why in the
world would he have to come if there is already a gathering together? If people who have
died are Christian believers, who have died, are already with him why should he have to
come to have a gathering together, because he already has them up there, right? So, this
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the word is parousia and this coming has basically two
great phases in it that I want to open with you tonight from the Word and let you read it
yourself. It’s the coming of Christ, FOR the church the body of believers and then later
the coming of Christ WITH the body of believers the saints upon the earth. Here we are
talking about his coming at the time of our gathering together unto him. That’s the best
word I know to use regarding the return of Christ and the Christian believers, simply the
words our gathering together unto him.

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