Tucker Hilariously Destroys CNN’s Brian Stelter As The Eunuch From Orwell’s 1984 [VIDEO]

2 years ago

Tucker Hilariously Destroys CNN’s Brian Stelter As The Eunuch From Orwell’s 1984 [VIDEO]

Red Voice Media Published May 24, 2022

News and Commentary

"Now, we're not saying that's a perfect word for word description of someone who currently has immediate analysis show on CNN. We're gonna let you judge."

By Zach Heilman
May 24, 2022

Since Joe Biden won the election, the movement to rid the internet of disinformation and right wing ideologies that supposedly encompassed white supremacy and racism has only gotten stronger. Shortly after the 2020 election, former President Donald Trump was not only censored, but he was also de-platformed from Twitter and Facebook.

Alongside Trump, many conservatives and critics of the COVID-19 pandemic were also targets of censorship. And with the announcement of the Disinformation Governance Board, which was put on pause recently, there have been countless comparisons between the new board and George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth.

While speaking about the board, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson couldn’t help but make another connection between the current narrative and the book 1984. In the novel, one of the strongest supporters of the Ministry of Truth was Tom Parsons. Although Parson is a fictional character, Carlson noted that one news host on CNN had a striking comparison.

In the video, which is featured above, Carlson explained, “Well, then it hit us. Brian Stelter is in fact, assuming he’s a real person, basically lifted directly from the pages of 1984, the Orwell novel. In the novel, the unit is called Tom Parsons. Parsons works as a flak for the Ministry of Truth. And here’s how George Orwell, almost 80 years ago, describes Parsons and as we read this, ask yourself, does this sound like anybody was a weekend show and CNN? Quote, ‘He was a fattish, but active man of paralyzing stupidity, of massive imbecile enthusiasm. One of those completely unquestioning devoted drudges on whom more even than on the Thought Police, the stability of the party depended.’”

Not wanting to make it too obvious, the host added, “Now, we’re not saying that’s a perfect word for word description of someone who currently has a media analysis show on CNN. We’re gonna let you judge. But in case you’re wondering, was George Orwell a prophet? Yeah, clearly he was.”

During another segment, Carlson focused on the 2016 election and how it changed politics. “The pivot (and it was a pivot) came six years ago. It was during the 2016 presidential campaign. Liberals seemed to lose any remaining sense of humor the moment Donald Trump arrived. Why? Well, because he called their bluff. Looking back, it’s obvious what happened. By 2016, no one could argue that liberal programs or many programs, the various fads and metaphorical wars we were waging on this or that bad thing, there was no evidence that any of it had done anything to improve American life.”

Carlson concluded, “Liberals promised you they would make everything great, but they didn’t. In fact, every single liberal enthusiasm failed from radical feminism to urban renewal, from outsourcing to the so-called sharing economy. All of them, each and every one, turned out to be a complete disaster. The reason 2016 was significant is that the liberals could no longer deny this. They couldn’t say, ‘Give us another 50 years and we’ll turn Baltimore into Geneva.’”

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