Prophecy Fulfilling! Biden Continues the March Toward One World Government

2 years ago

Biden continues to hand over power to world governing agencies. We have great reason to be very concerned. We have a weak and depraved leader who is happy to hand over our country to world governing bodies. So Let's get into this.One People, One Reich, One Fuhrer was the rally cry of a government that aspired to rule the world. that rally cry lives on today. We are spiraling toward a one world sytem of everything. One of Biden's first acts was to bring us back into The Who. For 2.5 years,we have lived under emergency orders from Presidents, Governors, and Mayors.These emergency orders destroyed lives, businesses, exhausted our healthcare systems, and our even worse muted our ability to speak an opinion that differed from the WHO.The American economy was destroyed by Covid in a largely exaggerated and radical response. We suffered devastating losses that can't be recovered for years, if ever. The proposed Biden amendments to the WHA strengthen the WHO by allowing the Director-General to unilaterally declare a public health emergency without the consent of any UN member state. Any “affected” country can accuse a UN member country of an international health problem, (up to and including climate change, gun violence, abortion or any of a myriad of issues that have little or nothing to do with health). It will enable the governing body to discredit opponents of their agenda by calling them racists, homophobes or any other trope you can imagine. That starts the ball rolling on WHO recommendations for sanctions such as travel bans, fines, etc., Remember the Canadian government and the trucker protests? Woke corporations enforced mandates on employees and customers, often citing the CDC which took their lead from The Who. The CDC followed the WHO recommendations as though they were law. Obviously, the globalists want the WHO to have unquestioned power over our healthcare. They want the WHO, to be a policing arm of a one world government that is able to make declarations and statements that will be treated as having the effect of law.

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