She Controls The Sex

2 years ago

What you should do if your wife or girlfriend tends to control how much, how often and where you have sex, but you would like to have more sex and be more spontaneous.

In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who was originally very skeptical about what I teach. He originally assumed my book was a scam. After watching numerous videos on my YouTube Channel, he finally read my book. He says it was the first book he has ever read cover to cover in his entire life. A few years ago his wife said she was going to leave him. He begged and pleaded and started counseling with her in order to save his marriage. He says he gave in to her every need. Then a year later she threatened to leave again. He got pissed and took a different approach. He told her to leave and that he would drive the moving truck once she packed her stuff. She changed her tune and stayed. He says he realized counseling and marriage therapy was only 10-20% of the solution, after finding my work. He attributes most of his problems to the fact that he was a “bitch” for their entire ten-year marriage. Things are getting better, but they only have sex on scheduled “sex days” that they have agreed to in advance. She usually rejects him if he tries to seduce her on unscheduled days. She occasionally throws in a bonus sex day every now and then, but he wants it more and she has all the power. He asks me what he can do to cause her to want it more and be more spontaneous.

“Women want to be heard and feel like they are understood. When a man does this successfully, her legs open. When she does not feel heard and understood, the legs close. There is no on/off switch for women to make them ready to have sex like robots. Women know that when men really care for them, they will make the effort to plan a fun date, take care of the reservations, schedule things, arrange a babysitter for the kids and handle all of the details so all they have to do is show up, look hot and be prepared to have a fun time while letting the men lead the date. The best and most simple plan for men to follow in order to make their women happy, feel heard and understood and to make a successful seduction possible is to hangout, have fun and hook up. The seduction takes place at the end of a fun date. Women tend to fall in love and get turned on through their ears and men through their eyes. Take the time to make your lady feel special, beautiful, like she’s worth your time and effort, and she will happily and enthusiastically fulfill your every wish in the bedroom.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne

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