How to play Meeting in the Middle

3 years ago

Learn the rules to the 2 player parlor game Meeting in the Middle quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

The object of this cooperative two player game is for both players to say the same thing. Each player things of a random thing. On the count of 3, they each announce it simultaneously. For example. “The Moon” and “basketball”. Then, on succeeding turns, the players announce another thing that is related to both things that they image might be in the middle of the two things. They continue this process of trying to meet in the middle from the new things said each turn until they both say the same thing.

To continue the example, on the next count of three they might say “Round” and “Circle”. Then on the next attempt they complete the round by both successfully saying “shape” simultaneously. Play again and see how few words you need to meet in the middle.

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