How to play 20 Questions

3 years ago

Learn the rules to the party game 20 Questions quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

The object of the game is to figure out what the person is thinking of in 20 questions or less. Pick 1 player to go first. That player thinks of a person place or thing (something you could touch with your hands). Every other player now asks this player yes or no questions one at a time to help them figure out what it is that they are thinking of. The answering player may only answer with “yes” or “no”. The question askers may only ask a total of 20 questions, this includes asking the specific question of what the thing is. If someone guesses it correctly before 20 questions are asked, then they win and become the next player to think of something. If not, then everyone loses and the thinker reveals what they were thinking of. Rotate players and someone else thinks of something and you play again.

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