United Souls Weekly Emuna Class by Eli Goldsmith with Values not to Passover!

3 years ago

#Pesach approaches in less than a week! Let us learn, clean, and bring happy soulful #Values to all our preps towards the Holiday of Passover 2021 with True Joyous Freedom! Join us LIVE for our Weekly Monday #Emuna Class 3:15 PM by Eli Goldsmith - #UnitedSouls!

Click, Join the Live version & Share on - https://youtu.be/Q8vRSNm8CaE

The United Souls Course Eventbrite link to sign up now - Click Here - https://lnkd.in/dRRu56C for the next date 23rd March!
Please share our LinkedIn Event page - https://lnkd.in/d5V7deU!!!
Thank you, Lauren Pulver and Jeff Pulver for both hosting, as excited to interact with Eli Goldsmith's new course - a needed course with #PulveREDU - #UnitedSouls for a #DivisiveGeneration!

United Souls #2 Collaboration Album is out! To Follow & Save to your Playlists on Spotify Now - https://open.spotify.com/album/4hoxWh84ZzXSOOLJeiQgn0?si=kzrkgY_QSmOn7qfcPEQaTg! Email plz for United Souls # 3 & KI # 2 UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com!

😍 WATCH LIVE ON IGTV @Breslev_English

Click & share - LISTEN TO OUR #EMUNAPODCAST - https://anchor.fm/breslevisrael/ #tyHashem!

Enjoy our Emuna Class Q/A 31/32 hosted by Rav Shalom Arush with Pre-Pesach preps with Shlomo Katz & Eitan Katz - https://unityinspiresprojects.wordpress.com/2021/03/18/united-souls-pesach-2021-with-shlomo-katz-and-eitan-katz-emuna-class-q-a-31-32-hosted-by-rav-shalom-arush/

Q/A direct to #EliGoldsmith - Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il!
#specialupdates TBA - #onlineteaching!

Enjoy the #TwoChassidsInAPod EP. 13 - Unity Inspires Projects – Eli Goldsmith – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ToNN9ypeXU

In this episode, we got to speak with Eliyahu Eliezer Goldsmith AKA the Midnight Rabbi. Eli Goldsmith is a Baal Teshuva who has had a very interesting journey. Originally from North London UK, he made aliyah and has been living in Jerusalem among many tzaddikim. Officially he is a Chasid of the Tolna Rebbe of Jerusalem but he is more known for his involvement in the Breslev outreach world. Eli managed Jewish rapper Nissim Black for over a year and a half, traveling the world with him until continuing on to creating amazing Emuna Inspired Podcasts with Rav Shalom Arush shlita from the Hut Shel Hessed yeshiva as well as being the program director for Breslev Israel. This episode gave us tons of Emuna and a lot of inspiration to continue our holy work here on Two Chassids In A Pod and especially to seek out opportunities for unity.
To find more of Eli Goldsmith’s work please check out: https://www.facebook.com/midnightrabbi/ https://www.instagram.com/unityinspiresprojects/ https://anchor.fm/eligoldsmith https://anchor.fm/eli-real/

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