Flood damage and horse check. I cannot find Paddy.

3 years ago

Wading through the recently flooded paddock I look for Paddy and call out to him and his herd mate Banjo. Banjo comes over when I call and some of the horses call out. Interesting herd behaviour, as they call to each other when they are checking on each other and wanting them to come back to the herd.
Paddy is safe, he was well camouflaged like many brumbies.

The up side, looks like our seedlings have survived the flood. Part of the fence is down across the creek and the round yard has been tossed over and moved. We need to fix one of the electric fences, the other one is fine and there's no other damage, except for the road.
Yes I know I talk to the horses, I've been isolated and live alone lol

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