How to play Skipbo Dice

4 years ago

Learn the rules to the Skipbo Dice game quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to earn the most points by completing build piles on your board. Give each player a gameboard and marker. The youngest player goes first, then play proceeds clockwise. On your turn you will do these 3 things: Roll the dice. Fill in build piles. Then add one number to a stock pile.

When you roll the dice, roll all 5 numbered dice and the 1 green bonus die. Then call out the number rolled on the bonus die. Every other player may now use the bonus number to fill in one of their build piles if they choose and are able.

Build piles are in the center of the board marked by the letters A through D. To fill in build piles, mark the bubble for the corresponding number rolled. If you rolled a Skip-bo, it is a wild and may be used for any number. You must fill bubbles in numerical order starting with 1 and ending with 10. You can add to any pile so long as you proceed in numerical sequence.

You may only use 1 die per bubble, so set it aside once you have used it. Unless it is the bonus die. If you fill the bonus die in on any build pile, you get to immediately re-roll the bonus die. There is no limit to the number of times you can re-roll the bonus die. And, each time you roll the bonus die, all the other players may add its number to any appropriate build piles on their boards.

When you mark a bubble, fill it in. If it is below a star, circle the star to show you have collected it. If you use a skipbo to fill in a bubble, write an S in the bubble instead and cross off the star, showing you did not collect it. The first player to fill in bubble 10 on a build pile, circles the first prize and all the other players cross off the first prize. The next player to complete that build pile circles the 2nd place and the 3rd player the 3rd place. If multiple players complete a build pile simultaneously because of the bonus die, then they all circle the prize.

When you can’t fill in any more buggles, all the players must chose 1 number or skip-bo from the active player’s unused dice and write it in any of 4 vertical stock piles in the bottom left of the board. Numbers are always filled into the bottom most empty space of a column then work their way up. If you fill in all four spaces of a stockpile you earn the skipbo reward and circle it for future use. You do not have to fill a stock pile before starting another one. Once all your stock piles are full, you skip this step.

During your turn, in addition to your dice, you may use multiple numbers from any or all of your stockpiles to fill your build piles by crossing them off. You must use the top most number in a column before you can use the number below it. If you use a number in the middle of the stockpile, you are still allowed to add numbers above it.

In the bottom right of the board is free bonus items you can use on your turn. Each player gets 1 free skip-bo and 3 free re-rolls. When you use these bonuses, cross them off. When you use a re-roll you may reroll any or all of your dice, and you may use multiple re-rolls in a single turn. However, every unused re-roll and skip-bo is worth 1 point at the end of the game.

Once 1 player has completed at least three build piles, then every other player gets 1 additional turn before the game ends. During the final turns, all players are still allowed to use other player’s bonus die to fill in circles. Once the game ends, all the players count up all their stars that are circled on their board and their bonus points from the free skip-bo and re-rolls. You also receive 1 point for each stock pile skip-bo bonus that wasn’t used. Then, the player with the most points, wins.

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