How to play Monopoly

4 years ago

Learn the rules to the board game Monopoly quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. Check out other Monopoly versions here:

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The object of the game is to be the last player standing.

Lay out the board and each player picks a token and places it on Go. Give each player $1,500 divided as follows: 2 $500s, $100s, and $50s, 6 $20s, and 5 $10s, $5s, and $1s. All the remaining money stays with the game and is called the bank.

One person is the banker and manages the money of the bank, which must stay separate from their player money. Place the property cards, houses, and hotels with the bank.

Each player rolls the dice and the player with the highest total goes first, then play proceeds clockwise.

On your turn, roll both dice and move your token exactly that many spaces clockwise around the board. If you land on an unowned property you may buy it from the bank for the listed price. You receive the property card and place it face up in front of you. If you do not wish to buy it, then the bank sells it at auction to the highest bidder.

If you land on a property that another player owns, pay them rent according to the price on their property card. If they own all the properties of the same color, then you must pay them double rent on unimproved properties. An unimproved property is a spot that doesn’t have any houses or a hotel on it.

If the player does have houses or a hotel, you must pay them the corresponding price. The property owner may not collect rent if he fails to ask for it before the next player rolls the dice. If you do not have enough money to pay another player or the bank, you must sell off your hotels, houses, and mortgage property until you can pay the creditor. To mortgage a property you own, flip it face down and collect the mortgage price from the bank. If a player lands on a mortgaged property, they do not pay any rent and they are not allowed to buy the mortgaged property. To unmortgage a property you must pay the bank the mortgage price plus 10%. Unimproved properties in a monopoly still receive the double rent bonus even if some of the properties are mortgaged.

If you sell and mortgage everything and still don’t have enough money to pay, you are bankrupt and are out of the game. You give all that you have to the creditor. Mortgaged properties remained mortgaged. A player may never give or lend money or properties to another player.

As you travel around the board several things can happen. If you land on chance or community chest, you draw 1 card from its respected draw pile and follow the instructions on the card. If you land on a tax space, you pay the bank the proper amount. If you land on free parking, nothing happens. When you land on or pass GO you collect 200 dollars from the bank. If you land on Go to jail, you go immediately go to jail and do not pass GO and do not collect 200 dollars. If you land on the jail space, you aren’t in jail, but are visiting.

If you roll doubles, you get to roll and move again. Unless this is the 3rd time you’ve rolled doubles in a single turn, then, you go straight to jail.

If you’re in jail, you still are allowed to buy and sell houses, trade with players and collect rent. However, at the start of your turn you may pay $50 to be released from jail. If you do this, pay, then roll the dice and continue your turn as normal. Or, if you choose not to pay, you still roll dice, if you roll doubles you are released from jail and move that many spaces, then your turn ends, you do not get to roll again. IF you fail to roll doubles by your 3rd turn in jail, you must pay the $50 and move the number of spaces you did roll.

During the game you may only trade with other players: cash, “get out of jail free cards”, and properties that do not have any houses or hotels on them. You may not sell buildings to players. You may not trade “free rent” or loan players money. You may not gift players money.

When you own all the properties of the same color you have a monopoly. You are now allowed to build houses and hotels on those properties. The price per house is listed on each property. You must build and sell houses evenly across all properties in a monopoly, you are not allowed to build up or break down just one property. If the bank runs out of houses for you to buy, you must wait until another player sells houses before you can buy houses; or you must buy straight up to hotels. When you sell houses back to the bank, they give you half the value you purchased them for. You may buy and sell houses during your turn or in between other players’ turns...

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