Breaking free from extra layers of external authority programming • core wounds

2 years ago

External authority programming is well alive as we are seeing how it affects the mind of the reals and the spiritless in this realm with each big operation that is launched by the medias and governments. This programming is reinforced in schools for sure and later on is kept well alive by false gurus and false mentors and therapists who are not working in the direction of healing.

This programmed dependency towards authority is meant to break your trust in yourself and in your abilities and to imprison your mind in a box. You often feel as well that you are going against your own discernment. The programs want you triggered into all kind of chain reaction programmings. When this programming is active, it will help you identify areas of your life where you are currently delegating your own power away. So therefore, it will help you identify some of your blind spots.

In this realm, you will face a lot of beings very attached to some of their ideas and beliefs who are led by their dopamine circuits and who are in cognitive dissonance. Some will be used to invalidate you and your perceptions.

Gaining mastery over triggers keeps on being crucial here. Each handling has its own style. External authority programming, when it's active, has its own signature. It might trigger you into guilt programming, another very effective types of programming. This is all meant to suppress your growth and for you to loop in core wounds. Savior programming is also very often playing out in the background of these happenings. The trap is to engage in the trigger or to overshare in the wrong places.

Cognitive dissonance is there to protect a false and cover memory, a false impression of something that has been happening, while something else is in fact hiding in the background, still unacknowledged. Keep on studying the signatures of every and any trigger, to learn from them everytime. And master the bait by not taking it. Keep on dismantling what is happening in your mind and in your body. Our programming is installed by crossdimensional and 3D handlers and they want us to follow the chain of reactions. It leads to fulfilling their dark agendas. When you don't answer the trigger, you can't be controlled. Identify the entry point and keep on noticing where and how your mind is being controlled and where your life is led on automatic rails by other forces and beings than yourself.

Going deeper with this theme: " External authority programming, shame projections and herd mentality: on cubical mind structures and how researchers become unconscious mind-controlled handlers"

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