This Is What It Means When You Dream About Eating Fish ~ Not What You Think ~

3 years ago

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Eating Fish? For a thousand years, dreams have been the fascination of most philosophers and psychologists because these dreams might be connected to our memories or the future to come.

However, there are chances that you cannot remember any of your dreams at all when you wake up. Psychologists often suggested that there’s no accurate notion in unraveling the purpose of dreaming and its key function in sleeping.

Sigmund Freud, a renowned psychologist, suggested that dreams are our unspoken desires and unconscious thoughts. According to his psychoanalytic view, even if they are unconsciously expressed verbally or inaction, this might be a way to find awareness of what our desires would look like. On the other hand, in the Biblical reference, fish represents nutrition and discipleship, and fish usually carried out spiritual wisdom and emotional ties.

Dreaming About Fish Interpretation
Fish is a common subject in our dreams, and all of these have different meanings. In old traditions, fish dreams, in general, can bring positivity and prosperity, but there were also instances that it could also bring bad luck.

If you want to understand your dreams, you must remember the details. May it be you’re catching, cleaning, cooking, eating a fish, or attacking you, all of these have a different interpretation.

Fish appearing in your dreams are not exactly specified, so it has to be the action that was done in the dream. Below is some fish dreams interpretation.

Fish Swimming
If you have seen that a fish is swimming at the bottom of the water, you might be trapped or involved in a dangerous future situation. But it would turn out the opposite if the fish is swimming on the surface. Also, it would symbolize conception, and it was proven true how many women who dreamt of a swimming fish became pregnant.

Fish Coming Out Of Your Body
In most cases, this is just the same as the first point: a symbol of conception. But this is more specific because it might mean that the woman will be having a baby girl.

Eating A Fish
To eat raw fish means you are anxious and worried about what the future has in store for you. That’s contrary when you are eating fish in a restaurant because that means you are ready to take a new start.

This also has a spiritual connotation, such as luck and positive energy. On the other hand, if you were eating the fish right after you catch them, it could relate to your loved one who has a serious health condition.

Fish Attacking You
If you dream about a group of small fishes attacking you, then it could mean that your size is not limited to what you can achieve in your dreams.

But if a big fish is attacking you, you may be encountering some emotional hindrances that may become a bigger problem later on. It’s also a sign that you may be suppressing your problems for yourself, so after dreaming about it, that might be the perfect time to express them.

Fish Having Legs
You might think that this could be related to a mermaid turning to humans, but it’s not. Seeing fish with legs means that maybe it’s for you to step out of the box and be creative because there’s a whole lot of different worlds right in front of you.

In love, it should mean that it’s time to let go and be a risk-taker to make some changes in your life.

Ice Fishing
This could be a sign that you are contradicting yourself too much, that you needed somewhere cooler to enjoy and relax your mind. It could also mean that you have dilemmas solving your feelings.


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