Domestic Violence: Men Abused, Me Too, Survival and Relationships After

2 years ago

Jenna Ash is an Author, Activist and Survivor. She is speaking on behalf of all survivors but particularly men. Jenna shared the realities of men facing domestic abuse and the disregard they get treated with when they speak up.

We talked about Domestic Violence, Domestic Abuse, intimate partner violence, abusive relationships and the dark side of the me too movement. 

It isn't pretty and it doesn't matter what you call it, it is wrong and unacceptable and it happens every day to men and women a like. 

Jenna is a volunteer for Southern Ohio’s Survivor Advocacy Outreach Program, providing support and services to victims of abuse. She recently married her husband who has his own story. Her story is full of pain and raw insights for people so buckle up!

If you are in an unsafe situation or need help please seek safety and help!

Domestic Abuse Hotline: 800.799.SAFE (7233)

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