Personal Brand | Universal laws | Lifelong Learning

2 years ago

Personal Brand | Universal laws | Lifelong Learning

How often have you heard expressions such as 'what luck', 'what an incredible coincidence'. What an incredible coincidence'.
But are you sure this is the case? Albert Einstein was fond of saying that God does not play dice with the Universe.
The truth is that believing in randomness inevitably means believing in humanity that regularly shirks its responsibilities.
It also means disregarding the latest discoveries in quantum physics that state
our real and concrete possibility to determine our future.
How is it possible to accept the vision of a Universe characterised by wonderful balance and yet dominated by randomness?
We must accept that everything is governed by specific laws, universal laws that leave nothing to chance.
Understanding these excellent rules imposes itself in every corner of our existence. Only then can we know our relationship with the Universe and
that our birth represents the beginning of a continuous evolution where we have to gain experience.
These initial considerations are helpful to suggest that you prepare yourself for reading this editorial contribution of mine
in the same way, as we must prepare ourselves with every event we face in our daily lives.
Nothing happens by chance, and the same goes for my meeting with Edoardo Flaccomio and all the other members of my publishing house Biblios.
This book, without this encounter, would have had no chance of genesis.
Breathe in the ethereal air of Biblios, enter into symbiosis with the hearts of the various protagonists of the publishing house, discuss our dreams and goals
allowed me to finally find the right glue with which to put together all the pieces of my inner world
and receive more conviction and confidence in what I have been trying to do for a long time, with difficulty.
All the topics you will find in this book are the result of personal experiences
I love to share, not as absolute truth, but to contribute to all reflection in a society that does everything to prevent us from this healthy activity.
Make your unconscious conscious otherwise, it will guide your life and you will call it destiny.

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