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How to play Monopoly House Divided

3 years ago

Learn the rules to the board game Monopoly House Divided quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to get the most votes. Layout the board and shuffle the “I voted” and “Executive Power” decks and place them face down on the board. Give each player $1500 as follows: two 500s and 10s; four 100s; one 50, 20, and 5; and five 1s. The rest of the money stays in the box as the treasury. Place each state’s card next to its matching board space. Place the white house token in the middle of the board. Each player picks a token, places it on go, and receives that token’s matching candidate card. Your candidate card shows you which party you are in. Give each player a set of 6 voting chips, each chip should represent each token in the game. Each player rolls both dice and the player with the highest total goes first, then play proceeds clockwise.

On your turn, roll both dice and move your token exactly that many spaces clockwise around the board, then perform actions based on where you landed. If you roll doubles, then you take the white house token and put it in front of you, then you get to roll and move again. While you have the white house, you can double the rent of your properties. Having the white house at the end of the game is worth 10 votes. If you roll doubles 3 times in a row, then immediately go to jail and do not complete your 3rd turn.

At the end of the game, each state is worth the number of votes as shown on the back of that state’s card. When you land on an unowned state, you must buy it or auction it. To buy it, pay the price listed on the board to the treasury and place the state card in front of you. Don’t want to buy it, then you must auction it off. Bidding starts at $10 and may increase in increments as little as $1. To bid you don’t need to follow turn order. When no player is willing to increase the bid, then the highest bidder pays the treasury and gets the state card. If no player wants to bid, then the property stays with the treasury.

When you land on a state that is owned by another player, the owner must ask you for rent before the next player rolls the dice. If they do, then you must pay them rent. If they don’t, then you do not have to pay. When you own each state in a colored set you can double the rent of those states, earn more votes at the end of the game, and you may build campaign headquarters on those states, which also increase the rent price.

When you land on or pass go, collect $200 from the treasury. When you land on the I voted space, draw the top card from the I voted deck and read it aloud. Now each player, including you, secretly chooses a player to vote for using their voting chips by placing it face down on the board. You are allowed to try and convince other players who to vote for. Once everyone has voted, you reveal all the votes and the player with the most votes must carry out the action on the card. If there is a tie, re-vote. After that, everyone takes back their chips and the card is put on the bottom of the deck.

When you land on executive power, draw the top card from the corresponding deck and if the card doesn’t say you can keep it until you’re ready to use it, then you must play it immediately then return it to the bottom of the deck.

When you land on the campaign bus, you may move your token forward to any space on the board before the next campaign bus, then carry out the rules for the space you land on. When you land on fundraisers, pay the treasury the indicated amount. If you land on free parking or just visiting, then nothing happens.

If you land on Go to jail, then move your token immediately to the in jail space. Do not collect $200 for passing go. Your turn ends immediately. You can still collect rent, big on auctions, trade, buy campaign headquarters, and use executive power cards while you are in jail; but you may NOT vote. To get out of jail, at the start of your turn you may pay $50 or use a get out of jail free card, then roll and move like normal. You can also get out of jail by rolling doubles. If you do, you are free. Take the white house and use that roll to move. You get up the 3 chances to roll doubles while in jail. If you don’t roll doubles by your 3rd turn in jail, then you must pay $50 and use your last roll to move.

You can buy, sell, or trade states and get out of jail free cards with other players at any time. The amount is decided by the players making the deal. You must sell all campaign headquarters in a color set to the treasury before you can sell or trade a state in that colored set. Campaign headquarters cannot be sold or traded to another player.

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