Integrated Parasite Management (39)

2 years ago

This webinar presented by the American Sheep Industry Association features Dr. Andrew Weaver of North Carolina State University discussing Integrated Parasite Management Strategies for Sheep Producers.

Parasites continue to be a significant challenge for sheep production across the country. The failure of dewormers to adequately treat parasite infections has resulted in the need for alternative parasite management strategies. Unfortunately, there is no single cure. Rather, an integrated approach is needed where multiple strategies are implemented for effective parasite control. These strategies can include environment-based approaches as well as animal-based approaches. In this webinar, parasite biology and host-parasite interactions are highlighted to provide context for parasite management. Discussion follows on various parasite management strategies available and how they can be implemented in a sheep production system. A multifaceted approach to parasite management will be most successful in mitigating infection levels and improving sheep performance and well-being.

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