"RAINY NIGHT IN GEORGIA" sung by Brook Benton / written by Tony Joe White

2 years ago

"RAINY NIGHT IN GEORGIA" sung by Brook Benton / written by Tony Joe White

Tough Night for this ol boy From the HEART of Georgia. already fully disenfranchised from the 2020 theft of our country and states Being forced to vote via an illegal method of voting, according to GA Election Law, Our new machines (2020 first use) DO NOT pass the legal requirements for State of GA. Ive gone round to round with my county election supervisor on 2 occasions (11.3.20 & 1.5.21) after exhausting the knowledge of the poll workers onsite. by requesting a paper ballot due to my HIPPA Protected "Condition" that will not allow me, physically or mentally, to cAST MY vote on what is an Illegal as well as Made in CHINA mAChine. once a voter completes their ballot via the machine the paper printout shows you who you selected and you are to confirm visually that the selections are correct. they have several signs posted that cell phones are not allowed and they especially do not want you to take a picture of it. Highly illegal the man said today. WHY? seems like having the ability to log into my GA VOTER portal and see some if not all of my past cast ballots from prior elections. Either by adjudication, weighted voting or a scanner / machine programmed to Flip any number of votes to match the exact results the tyrants desire. seems like it would be a good and transparent way to confirm your vote was not only printed correctly but also scanned, counted and tallied correctly. if ever needed the citizens could easily perform their own neighborhood, county, city , town, recount, audit or canvass. no need to rely on any Bought and Paid for CCP puppet sec of state or dumb ass governor to do the right thing or even just NOT TO FLAT OUT ignore their constituents legitimate concerns about flagrant and provable fraud.
if that bothers you hopefully you can let it go for now as we've been forced to do and still go vote. Even if their are shenanigans the better the voter turnout in theory the easier it should be to spot any anomalies. and move on because our so called elected officials aint gonna do squat about it. Nor will any mainstream lamestream news media even mention Nor will the state judicial folks even try to do their jobs and find the truth. No Sir they will actually do even worse for We The People and slap a gag order on any claim of Witnessed corruption or seal a expert's in depth report on the vulnerability of GA elections caused by the Machines. up until said report was completed it was announced that The State of Georgia wouldn't know personally if our system was hacked or compromised in any way because we didnt have ANY (not even one) protective application, programs or key loggers to notify elections folks of the possible infiltration!!! WTF!! i guess if D0m1nion or the State knows its gonna be hacking into elections during the election it would only provide proof of their cheating. So play dumb and don't protect the extremally vulnerable system and ignore and activly suppress all claims of cheating. ABSOLUTELY NO WAY IN HADES THAT KEMP GOT 70% OF GA Republican primary voters votes. Not only did Kemp win by large margins in what was a very close race according to the "Polls" so did Brad The Rat Rathisburger for incumbent sec of state. Once WSB accidently released the live election results a week early as they did 7 full days prior to the election on teh 24th. Wsb claimed it was rehearsing or testing their system but shouldn't have been able to obtain live results unless the State system and D0m1nion interface were all linked at the same time. So i ask you did someone at the station attempt to expose the rigged prelection results? (Which matched the polls #'s the mockingbird media was parroting non stop for 2-3 weeks prior to election day. OR was it a classic voter suppression tool to dishearten all or any who still had a little faith. Kemp and the rat did whatever they had to do to not find the truth in our 2020 elections because they knew the would win re-election when reaching that point because they had fulfilled their obligations to CCP CHINA or whomever else is controlling them. Kemps Daughters Boyfriend was IMO murdered (Strange fiery car crash)exactly the same time Kemp was allegedly pondering a REAL audit. he chose a re-count instead.. LOL and again played dumb like he wasnt sure what he could or should do.

Voting used to be such a fun and definitive process in my head at least. Now its just feels dirty and cheap. and completely rigged. it sparks all types of anxiety for me about the future of our country and i just felt so very helpless. hopefully if not fixed before the November main election 11.8.2022. it can be overhauled very soon thereafter.


follow /Support VoterGA
https://rumble.com/user/VoterGA Garland Favirito any way possible he is a TRUE HERO and has been fighting our corrupted election system fight in Georgia since even before 11.3.2020 ---
VoterGA "Be the Change" Volunteer Tribute 2021


Is "Raffy the Wolf" a wolf in sheep's clothing? Ga SOS Brad Raffensperger, Gov Brian Kemp, House Speaker David Ralston, and AG Chris Carr don't want to audit Georgia's 2020 elections, even though many blaring violations of Georgia election laws have come to light. What are they afraid of?

Facts of GA 2020 Election Violations

James Roguski Substack - TURN UP THE HEAT

James Roguski returns to SGT Report with a call to action for all Patriots - the rats are scurrying as the Americans wake up to the Biden administration and the W.H.O.'s treachery.

James' site:



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